800 West Campbell Road, Richardson TX 75080

Kimesha Coleman

Kimesha Coleman

Organization: Kimesha Coleman Coaching, LLC
Last Name First: Coleman, Kimesha

Kimesha Coleman is an award-winning author and a self-esteem enhancement expert, an uncommon mentor who specializes in helping abused teens and women as they walk through their own pains. Kimesha has a passion for helping others and has developed her expertise around self-esteem and works as a motivational speaker and a certified results coach at CoachingbyKimesha.com. As a survivor of abuse, Kimesha candidly talks about her own experience in her latest book Pretty On Pretty Off, which demonstrates the harrowing encounters with toxic relationships, the crippling aftermath, and growing through pains which lead to her victory.

In 2018, Kimesha partnered with Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, a national network of 25, 000 crime survivors creating healing in our communities, elevating voices of survivors, and advocating for smarter public policies.

In the past, Kimesha has served as Co-Chair of the Desoto Domestic Violence Advisory Commission, Co-hosted the Lifestyle segment for the Cynthia Austin Show on KTXD-TV, mentored those experiencing challenging life issues in Genesis Women Shelter and Hope's Mansion, and worked with many other disadvantaged groups.