800 West Campbell Road, Richardson TX 75080

Dr. Myriam Igoufe

Dr. Myriam Igoufe

Organization: Dallas Housing Authority
Position: Vice President of Policy Development & Research
Last Name First: Igoufe, Myriam

Dr. Myriam Igoufe is the vice president of Policy Development & Research for DHA. Dr. Igoufe is responsible for performing research on trends and conditions related to people in poverty and the impacts of segregation, a shortage of affordable housing, limited access to gainful employment, health care, transportation and disinvestment in the surrounding community as well as development of strategic evidenced based policy to address these matters. Her work involves developing and implementing short-term and long-term strategies designed to facilitate the achievement of DHA’s goals and priorities which includes addressing long term segregation and the affordable housing crisis in Dallas and North Texas. She led the North Texas Regional Housing Assessment analysis, which included 21 cities and housing authorities across North Texas, as co-principal investigator and project manager. The North Texas Regional Housing Assessment was part of a new planning process established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requiring federal grantees to identify, evaluate, and address fair housing issues and factors contributing to discriminatory issues.Dr. Igoufe is a recipient of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the past two years, and currently serves on the Equity Advisory Board for the City of Dallas, Equity sub-committee and Technical Advisory team for Smart Growth Dallas. Dr. Igoufe also serves on the City of Dallas Undesign the Redline Advisory Board, the MDHA Racial Equity Committee and has been named to the Advisory Council of the Dallas Economic Opportunity Leadership Academy. Her past professional experiences include working as policy analyst for local governments, as a university researcher, and as a consultant in economic development and urban planning with ASH + LIME Strategies. After attending the Sorbonne Law School in Paris, she received her bachelor’s degree in political science, government and international law as well as her master’s degree in public administration from Lamar University. Igoufe earned a PhD in urban planning and public policy from the University of Texas at Arlington.