800 West Campbell Road, Richardson TX 75080

Lisa Neergaard

Lisa Neergaard

Organization: buildingcommunityWORKSHOP
Position: Senior Policy Manager
Last Name First: Neergaard, Lisa

Lisa Neergaard is a Senior Policy Manager at bc-WORKSHOP. Lisa is heading policy and community capacity building initiatives of [bc]. Through a process of informing, [bc] empowers communities to better advocate for the resources their communities need. Lisa brings planning and policy experience to many of [bc] efforts, including our multi-year cross-partner efforts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley; LUCHA (Land Use Colonia Housing Action), Unidos por RGV (United for RGV), and RAPIDO. These efforts bring increased education and resources to low-income communities as they participate in local planning activities, and advocate for greater engagement, equity, and partnership in area decision making. Additionally, Lisa is supporting [bc]’s continual effort to share what they learn through their wide range of work with governmental and non-profit organization to increase the impact of our work and increased choice for residents. Lisa brings with her to [bc] experience in marketing research, urban design policy with the City Design Studio, most recently design project management with Paramount Theme Parks.  She attended the University of Massachusetts, Boston for a BA in American Studies, and later the University of Texas, Arlington for a Master in City and Regional Planning.