800 West Campbell Road, Richardson TX 75080

Nell Gaither

Nell Gaither

Organization: Trans Pride Initiative
Position: Founder
Last Name First: Gaither, Nell

Nell Gaither has been involved in social support and advocacy for trans persons since about 2005. In August 2011, Nell helped found Trans Pride Initiative (TPI), a 501(c)3 organization with a mission to support and advocate for trans- and gender-nonconforming persons in healthcare, housing, employment, and education, as well as anti-violence issues affecting all these mission areas. Much of TPI's current work involves addressing housing safety, healthcare access, and violence in Texas prisons. Nell has served on the Ryan White Planning Council of the Dallas Area, the Dallas LGBT Task Force, the Dallas Domestic Violence Task Force, and has been involved in a number of LGBTQ-focused and social justice advocacy groups.