800 West Campbell Road, Richardson TX 75080

Changa Higgins

Changa Higgins

Organization: Dallas Community Police Oversight Coalition
Last Name First: Higgins, Changa

Changa Higgins is a longtime organizer for policing reform, community development and racial justice in the Texas and Oklahoma region. For over 20 years, he has played strategic organizing roles in organizations including The Harambee Brotherhood, Unify South Dallas, and Dallas Action.

He has worked in media and technology for over 15 years, in roles ranging from Managing Editor, Researcher, and User Experience consultant for a wide range of digital companies and media outlets.

Currently, Changa is leading the Dallas Community Police Oversight Coalition, which spearheaded the creation and implementation of Dallas’ new Office of Police Oversight, which goes into effect in October 2019. He also serves as the Dallas campaign manager for the Data and Policing Project and The Leadership Conference Education Fund.